Cuong Nhu Highlights

A Person who engages in serious Martial Arts training for a few years will be helped to more fully realize his/her potential as a human being. Key points that I have realized from 45+ years of training include:
  • Be aware of strengths and weaknesses in one’s character
  • Will learn that sustained application of energy over a long period is way to get job done
  • Will gain strength and discipline necessary to further develop aspects of oneself that benefit society
  • Will gain strength and discipline necessary to restrain those that are detrimental to one’s well-being
  • Learn not to give up even when one appears to be in a losing position.
O’Sensei Ngo Dong demonstrating technique to Sensei Kirk Farber – 1989
Kirk Farber photos
Rokudan Written Paper – Submitted by Sensei Kirk Farber
If you would like to view a nice Newspaper writeup written on Kirk about his programs with The Working Warrior, Inc. Farber takes his art to the highest Degree: Kirk Farber in Beaches Leader, June 29, 2005

Just a few Tournament highlights over the years
The Champ: Kirk Farber in Times Union Newspaper, September 27, 2003
The Working Warrior: Kirk Farber in Times Union Newspaper, November 15, 2003
The Tournament Scene: Kirk Farber in Action Martial Arts Magazine, Dec 2003 – Jan 2004
Triple Crown Winner: Kirk Farber in Times Union Newspaper, September, 2005
Retiring on Top: Kirk Farber in Times Union Newspaper, November, 2005

The following are PDF’s to help with Cuong Nhu training in Soft Style, Hand Drills, Center Line Form, etc. From Regional Seminars, IATC, etc. Enjoy the information!
MATH Handout (IATC 2024)
Soft Style Handout (IATC 2024)
Soft Style Overview
Soft Style Manual
Center Line Form 1

Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Soft Style Kata: Nhu 1
Performed by Master Kirk Farber

Performing Speed: Front View
Learning Speed: Front View
Learning Speed: Side view

Cuong Nhu Martial Arts Evolution Kata
Performed by Master Kirk Farber

Performing Speed: Front View

Words of Wisdom

When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found.
–Old Sufi saying

Expect the extraordinary, don’t accept the ordinary!
–Quynh Ngo

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind

A True Leader has the confidence to stand alone.

Respect Others, But Respect Yourself too!!

I complained of only one shoe until I met a man with only one leg
APPRECIATE what you have

If it is within the realm of imagination,
it is within the realm of possibility.

Become not strong but weak
Be AWARE of your own faults

If you love life, don’t waste time,
For Time is what life is made up of

Kirk and Linda Farber
Master Kirk Farber and wife Linda, after promotion to Shichidan (7th degree) in Atlanta over Memorial weekend 2011

The Essence of Leadership

A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. A person does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of one’s actions and the integrity of one’s intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles…they don’t flock, you find them one at a time.
Essence of Leadership
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